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Latest news from the School of Biological Sciences

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Warming seas could put at-risk seabirds out of sync with prey

03 April, 2018

Seabirds may struggle to find food for their chicks as they are unable to shift their breeding…

New user-friendly DNA assembly toolkit

27 March, 2018

The development of a more versatile, simple and efficient DNA assembly kit will offer researchers…

Physical disability boosts parenting effort, beetles study shows

26 March, 2018

Animals that carry a physical impediment can work harder to rear their young as a result, a study…

Navigating the world’s oceans by tapping into bacterial swimming strategies

23 March, 2018

Funding to understand how bacteria swim to stay alive could lead to the development of bacterial …

Meal times may be key to managing malaria, parasite study shows

08 March, 2018

Malaria infections might be brought under control by managing the eating habits of infected people…

New Lectureships in Biological Sciences

12 February, 2018

The University of Edinburgh is an exciting, vibrant, research led academic community offering…

Lab-grown eggs could pave way towards new fertility treatments

09 February, 2018

Human eggs have been fully grown in a laboratory, in a move that could lead to improved fertility…

Professor Francisca Mutapi awarded Chancellor’s Award for Impact

31 January, 2018

Francisca Mutapi, Professor of Global Health Infection and Immunity in the School of Biological…

Breeding quirks of head lice offer insight into effective treatments

29 January, 2018

New insights into the unusual way in which lice reproduce could be key to managing outbreaks of the…

Complex tools help crows hunt more quickly

24 January, 2018

Scientists have discovered why some crows craft elaborate hooked tools from branched twigs.