Latest news from the School of Biological Sciences Search Tags Publication date Date from Date to Fertility pioneer receives international award 09 October, 2018 A University scientist has been honoured for her work in developing human eggs in the laboratory. Outdoor study lends insight into flower timing 24 September, 2018 Research on plants grown outdoors has revealed new activity of a key gene that controls when… Lupus discovery could help manage disease in African patients 17 September, 2018 Two variants of an autoimmune disease that affects thousands but is hard to diagnose are relatively… Sharing parenting leads to healthier young, beetle study finds 01 August, 2018 Animals who share the task of parenting do a better job than parents who do so on their own,… Professor Jean Beggs receives RNA Society 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award 27 July, 2018 Jean Beggs, Professor of Molecular Biology in the Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology at the… iGEM Overgrad Team – Turning whisky by-products into bioplastics 27 July, 2018 With iGEM season well underway, we again are supporting two teams to ask questions and find… Young Frankenstein – cautionary tale or valuable lesson 27 July, 2018 A Sci-Screen event provided a light-hearted backdrop for Centre members to engage the audience of… Sir Adrian Peter Bird and Professor William Hill honoured by the Royal Society 18 July, 2018 Sir Adrian Peter Bird, Buchanan Professor of Genetics, and William Hill, Emeritus Professor of… Inbred animals face greater threat from changes to environment 27 June, 2018 Animals that are inbred make mistakes in response to changes in their surroundings, which threatens… One switch to control them all – unravelling seasonality in plants 06 June, 2018 Plants make drastic changes to their biology to survive the changing seasons. Yet we know little… … 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 … This article was published on 2025-01-30