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Latest news from the School of Biological Sciences

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HIV study reveals new group of men at risk of infection

04 June, 2018

A group of men who may be underestimating their HIV risk has been identified in a new study.

Two-step process underpins upkeep of key protein in cell division

01 June, 2018

Scientists have shed light on a key aspect of healthy cell division, helping build a clearer…

Professor Keith Matthews elected Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences

09 May, 2018

Keith Matthews, Professor of Parasite Biology, has been elected to join the prestigious Fellowship…

Hungry parasites: when hosts eat, their parasites do too

25 April, 2018

If you want to control your parasite infection, the time that you eat may be the answer. A new…

Malaria study reveals gene variants linked to disease

25 April, 2018

Many people of African heritage are protected against malaria by inheriting a particular version of…

Warmer springs reduce food for forest birds

24 April, 2018

The hatching of woodland birds is falling out of sync with availability of insects on which they…

Gene study highlights threat of ash dieback

24 April, 2018

A disease that has devastated ash trees across Europe developed from just one or two sources of…

Under-fives should be priority for snail fever therapy, study finds

17 April, 2018

Infants in some of the world’s poorest regions are vulnerable to a common worm parasite infection…

Professor Susan Rosser awarded Royal Academy of Engineering’s Chair in Emerging Technologies

09 April, 2018

Susan Rosser, Professor of Synthetic Biology, a joint appointment between the School of Biological…

Therapeutic worms for inflammatory disorders? Perhaps there is a more palatable option

06 April, 2018

It is perhaps one of the greatest health triumphs in modern history. In many parts of the world,…