Latest news from the School of Biological Sciences Search Tags Publication date Date from Date to School success in the Principal’s Innovation Awards 28 September, 2020 Two research projects in the School of Biological Sciences have been named as the first winners of… New biotech start up for cancer treatment launches 15 September, 2020 The pioneering work carried out by the UK Centre for Mammalian Synthetic Biology has led to the… Caffeine shot delivers wakeup call on antifungal drug resistance 10 September, 2020 The management of fungal infections in plants and humans could be transformed by a breakthrough in… Super-resolution imaging breakthrough in living cells 21 August, 2020 Edinburgh scientists have developed a new imaging technique that reveals the inner workings of… Sustainable nylon production made possible by bacteria discovery 13 August, 2020 Nylon manufacture could be revolutionised by the discovery that bacteria can make a key chemical… Food security boost as data gets to root of crop yields problem 29 July, 2020 The resilience and yields of food crops worldwide could be improved by a new technique that… Sperm discovery reveals clue to genetic ‘immortality’ 16 July, 2020 New insights into an elusive process that protects developing sperm cells from damage in growing… EMBO membership awarded to Dónal O'Carroll 07 July, 2020 Professor Dónal O'Carroll has been awarded the lifetime honour of EMBO (European Molecular… Graduation, June 2020 06 July, 2020 Photos of June 2020 graduates. Tributes to Nick Read 01 July, 2020 Tributes have been paid to Professor Nick Read, an influential mycologist whose world-leading… … 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 … This article was published on 2025-01-30