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Latest news from the School of Biological Sciences

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New high throughput cell-selection system to speed medical advances and research

14 April, 2021

Edinburgh Genome Foundry has invested in a cutting edge system, funded by a £2 million grant from…

Programming proteins to turn cells into molecular computers

14 April, 2021

A new method of breaking and fixing proteins could speed the development of sophisticated computer…

€2m boost for gene and cell therapy info hub

06 April, 2021

A new EU-funded project is set to provide accessible and reliable information about cell and gene…

£8.7m collaboration seeks better route to modern medicines

06 April, 2021

An £8.7 million, five-year research collaboration led by the University of Edinburgh and FUJIFILM…

Francisca Mutapi selected as a TED2021 Fellow

30 March, 2021

Global Health Professor to join the newest class of 20 global visionaries, sharing their big ideas…

Mysteries of malaria infections deepen after human trial study

30 March, 2021

Scientists have discovered that tracking malaria as it develops in humans is a powerful way to…

Malaria immunity insight could lead to new vaccine development

22 March, 2021

Key insights on how malaria immunity develops after repeated infections could lead to new vaccine…

Cancer mutations insight could boost detection and personalise treatments

16 March, 2021

The understanding of many common cancers could be revolutionised by the discovery that in some…

Building links with India’s newest university

05 March, 2021

A partnership with India’s first biotechnology university is set to spark new opportunities in…

School researchers awarded Chancellor’s Fellowships

03 March, 2021

Dr Beatriz Orosa Puente and Dr Joanna Sadler have been awarded prestigious fellowships to develop…