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Latest news from the School of Biological Sciences

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Experts appointed to Covid-19 advisory group

02 April, 2020

Four Edinburgh researchers have joined a group providing expert advice to the Scottish Government…

UK launches £20m whole genome sequence alliance to map spread of coronavirus

24 March, 2020

A team of academics at the University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian are part of national consortium…

Harnessing nature’s protein glue could aid medicine and industry

23 March, 2020

A new protein production technique could speed up vaccine development and lead to high-tech…

Baldness gene discovery reveals origin of hairy alpine plants

27 February, 2020

Scientists have solved a puzzle that has long baffled botanists – why some plants on high…

Male-killing bugs hold key to butterflies’ curious colour changes

27 February, 2020

It is a spectacular butterfly breed with an intriguing back story … now scientists have revealed…

Ian Chambers wins 2020 Hooke Medal

09 January, 2020

Professor Ian Chambers, Group Leader and Professor of Pluripotent Stem Cell Biology at the MRC…

Genetic test could aid quest to reveal causes of rare diseases

17 December, 2019

The causes of rare diseases could be uncovered using an approach created to identify genetic…

Symposium held to mark Jean Beggs retirement

11 December, 2019

A symposium ‘From DNA to RNA synthesis, Processing and Cancer’ took place to mark the retirement of…

School researchers receive Genetics Society awards

11 December, 2019

Professors William Hill, Deborah Charlesworth and Dr Susan Johnston have been awarded three of the…

Biology Impacting Lives

03 December, 2019

The School of Biological Sciences have contributed to the Royal Society of Biology’s ‘Biology…