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News 2024
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Genes linked to deadly parasites’ spread beyond Africa identified
New spinout Concinnity Genetics raises £3m for gene control systems for advanced therapeutics
New spinout Trogenix unveils revolutionary cancer treatment platform
Stephen Wallace awarded European Research Council grant
University startup in final three for global environmental prize
Can vandalising music inspire us to take action on wildlife decline?
Professor Josephine Pemberton receives the British Ecological Society’s highest honour
Professor Sally Lowell joins EMBO membership
Unravelling the key to the centromere’s eternal life
Louise Horsfall recognised in Royal Society of Chemistry Prize
Professor Paul Sharp wins Royal Society’s Darwin Medal
Chancellor's Fellowships awarded
Sally Lowell receives Wolpert Medal
Professor Sinead Collins named as an RSE Fellow
Louise Horsfall recognised in global innovation awards
Vote for your winner- Being Edinburgh Award
Butterfly and moth genomes mostly unchanged despite 250 million years of evolution
Male fertility gene discovery reveals path to success for sperm
Game-changing gene therapies are focus of £14m research hub
World-class medical science facility opened by The Princess Royal
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Exhibition puts spotlight on diseases affecting 1.5 billion people
Experts examine DNA changes that shaped life on Earth
Researchers receive NERC grants pioneering environmental research
News 2023
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New Discovery Research Platform to reveal the hidden world of cells
Purple Bar moth is 1,000th species sequenced in landmark project
Sandy Hetherington wins prestigious Leverhulme Prize
Dr Amy Buck is honoured with the Max Planck-Humboldt Medal
Sandy Hetherington wins the European Research Council Starting Grant 2023
Researcher wins UKRI - Artificial Intelligence for Health award
Project aims to prove plastic can be fantastic for pharmaceuticals
Frank Qasim Machin wins SULSA Early Career Researcher Prize
Professor Eleanor Riley recognised in King’s Birthday Honours
Fossil study sheds light on famous spirals found in nature
Funding boost for scientists using AI to identify treatments for rare diseases
Stephen Wallace win prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry Prize
Richard Milne wins Teacher of the Year
18 May 23 - Sally Lowell elected to respected Fellowship
Professor Loeske Kruuk elected a Fellow of the Royal Society
£9m funding boost for cell biology research
World’s largest cellular proteomic study set to unlock disease insights
School researchers awarded Chancellor’s Fellowships
British flower study reveals surprise about plants’ sex life
Global health research needs gravity shift to deliver impact
Karen Halliday and Steven Spoel become Fellows of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
Scottish communities to use Minecraft to learn about disease spread
School welcomes researchers from Engage Nepal with Science
Common cold may have helped curb Africa’s Covid-19 death toll
Events and seminars
News 2022
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School Supplier Exhibition & Facility fair 2023
2022: The year we built Britain and Ireland’s biggest genome
Scotland’s Covid-19 sewage data could reveal new health insights
New Centre for Engineering Biology
Annis Richardson awarded European Research Council Starting Grant
Jet lagged plants pave the way to first digital plant
FEBS Letters rewards team for outstanding paper of 2021
How biodiverse is your park? Citizen scientists to find the answer
Film launched on bilharzia, WASH and the impact on women and children
How the Dandelion decides when to fly
“Fuel of evolution” more abundant than previously thought in wild animals
School of Biological Sciences Ranked in UK Top 5 for Research Quality
Joanna Sadler wins British Science Association’s Award Lecture Series
PM visits India’s first biotechnology university
Stephen Wallace awarded Biochemical Society’s Colworth Medal
Century-old malaria parasite puzzle solved as ape origin traced
Waddington Medal awarded to Val Wilson
CRISPR insight could improve technique and biotechnology applications
Cancer breakthrough reveals old drugs with new tricks may limit spread
Teuta Pilizota awarded UKRI Physics of Life grant
Bringing bioinformatics to schools with the 4273pi project
Discovery could hold the key to alleviating metabolic disease
News 2021
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Scientists solve the grass leaf conundrum
Black children overlooked in scar tissue disorder tests, study says
Giovanni Stracquadanio awarded EPSRC Early Career Fellowship
New study challenges understanding of pandemic preparedness and resilience in Africa
Tribute and obituary for Professor Richard Carter
Nadanai Laohakunakorn awarded UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship
Diego Oyarzún appointed as Turing Fellow in 2021-22
Natural blue food colouring gets eco-friendly production boost
Root fossils study reveals how early plants developed and made Earth habitable
Urgent action is needed to tackle impact of early childhood schistosomiasis on education
Bacteria serves tasty solution to global plastic problem
Coronavirus tracking its deadly tactics inside our cells
Loeske Kruuk awarded ERC Advanced Grant
New high throughput cell-selection system to speed medical advances and research
Programming proteins to turn cells into molecular computers
£8.7m collaboration seeks better route to modern medicines
Francisca Mutapi Selected as a TED2021 Fellow
Mysteries of malaria infections deepen after human trial study
Malaria immunity insight could lead to new vaccine development
Cancer mutations insight could boost detection and personalise treatments
Building links with India’s newest university
School researchers awarded Chancellor’s Fellowships
Racist and Homophobic attack on UoE African and Caribbean Society LGBT+
Altruism in bacteria - Gut microbes help family first
Loeske Kruuk awarded Royal Society Research Professorship
News 2020
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Mistletoe under spotlight of major DNA study
ERC Grant Success: School scientists awarded €4M in European funding
Algae superpowers could provide major boost to food security
Start up boosted by funding to build low cost bioreactors
Scientists discover safeguard that protects blood’s ‘Fountain of Youth’
High-value chemicals from biotech: School scientists awarded almost half a million pounds in UK Government funding
‘Social distancing’ in sheep could cure flock of maedi-visna
School success in the Principal’s Innovation Awards
New biotech for cancer treatment launches
Caffeine shot delivers wakeup call on antifungal drug resistance
Super-resolution imaging breakthrough in living cells
Sustainable nylon production made possible by bacteria discovery
Food security boost as data gets to root of crop yields problem
Sperm discovery reveals clue to genetic ‘immortality’
EMBO membership awarded to Dónal O'Carroll
Tributes to Nick Read
Tackling Racial Inequality
Clocking in with malaria parasites
School facility to provide essential proteins for coronavirus research
Two-tier approach could begin lockdown end
Nuclear pore transport puzzle solved by super-resolution microscopy
Professor Keith Matthews elected Fellow of the Royal Society
Adrian Bird shares world’s largest prize for pioneering brain research
Sandy Hetherington awarded UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship
Blue tit diet study reveals all they can eat is quite a feast
PhD students rise to the challenge of Covid-19
David Tollervey and Sara Macias to participate in EMBL Twinning Project
Experts play key role in bid to curb Covid-19
University fast-tracks research to battle Covid-19
Professors Francisca Mutapi and Alexandra Rowe become Royal Society of Edinburgh Fellows
23/03/20 UK launches £20m whole genome sequence alliance to map spread of coronavirus
Harnessing nature’s protein glue could aid medicine and industry
Male-killing bugs hold key to butterflies’ curious colour changes
Baldness gene discovery reveals origin of hairy alpine plants
Ian Chambers wins 2020 Hooke Medal
News 2019
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Genetic test could aid quest to reveal causes of rare diseases
New exhibition features University research tackling deadly parasitic diseases
Biology Impacting Lives
African experts join forces to curb threat of tropical diseases
Potential harm of newly discovered viruses predicted by study
School Researchers receive Genetics Society Awards
Symposium held to mark Jean Beggs retirement
Wild animals evolving to give birth earlier in warming climate
Backing the scientists of the future: Innovative PhD programme wins funding
Warmer nights prompt birds to lay eggs earlier
Study reveals instructions for healthy cell division
Building solid foundations for the next generation
Stephen Wallace awarded UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship
Wild animals’ immune systems decline with age, sheep study finds
Innovative science PhD programmes announced by Wellcome
Heather McQueen awarded National Teaching Fellowship
Hi-tech bacteria gene tool could prove productive, study finds
2019 Ker Memorial Prize awarded for work on the immune system in Drosophila
Global Alliance of Biofoundries launched to boost synthetic biology
Immune system discovery could aid quest for stem cell therapies
Graduation July 2019
Blood cancer’s Achilles’ heel opens door for new treatments
World Malaria Day 2019: A New Guide to Malaria Pharmacology
On World Malaria Day 2019 - celebrating malaria research at the University of Edinburgh
Diet during development affects mating habits, insect study shows
Applications open - Doctoral Training Centre in Biomedical Artificial Intelligence
Smartphone-based biosensor to tackle arsenic poisoning
Colourful male fish have genes to thank for their enduring looks
Cell study reveals key mechanism linked to healthy development
Lucas Frungillo awarded BBSRC Discovery Fellowship
Natural blue colouring pioneers win collaboration award
Bid to beat drug resistance boosted by worldwide sewage survey
Professors Sarah Reece and Donal O’Carroll elected fellows of The Royal Society of Edinburgh
The faults in our RNA
City gardens help pollinating insects to thrive, study shows
News 2018
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School Success in Student Experience Grants
Improved stem cell approach could aid fight against Parkinson’s
Stem cell tool to repair joints offers hope to osteoarthritis patients
Insight into cause of rare disorder may aid quest for treatments
Career Coaching in Science Video - Sharing what works in academia
Decoding sleeping sickness signals could aid quest for treatments
Gene study boosts bid to keep British bees safe from disease
Dr Julie Welburn receives EMBO Young Investigator Award
Disrupting parasites’ family planning could aid malaria fight
Gene find could pave way for disease-resistant crops
Cancer drug insight could lead to new therapies
Renowned scientist Professor Aubrey Manning dies
Dandelion seeds reveal newly discovered form of natural flight
Fertility pioneer receives international award
Outdoor study lends insight into flower timing
Lupus discovery could help manage disease in African patients
Chancellor's Fellow – Biotechnology
Sharing parenting leads to healthier young, beetle study finds
Sir Adrian Peter Bird and Professor William Hill honoured by the Royal Society
Inbred animals face greater threat from changes to environment
One switch to control them all – unravelling seasonality in plants
HIV study reveals new group of men at risk of infection
Professor Jean Beggs receives RNA Society 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award
Two-step process underpins upkeep of key protein in cell division
iGEM Overgrad Team – Turning whisky by-products into bioplastics
Professor Keith Matthews elected Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences
Young Frankenstein – cautionary tale or valuable lesson
Hungry parasites: when hosts eat, their parasites do too
Malaria study reveals gene variants linked to disease
Warmer springs reduce food for forest birds
Gene study highlights threat of ash dieback
Under-fives should be priority for snail fever therapy, study finds
Professor Susan Rosser awarded Royal Academy of Engineering’s Chair in Emerging Technologies
Therapeutic worms for inflammatory disorders? Perhaps there is a more palatable option
Warming seas could put at-risk seabirds out of sync with prey
New user-friendly DNA assembly toolkit
Navigating the world’s oceans by tapping into bacterial swimming strategies
Physical disability boosts parenting effort, beetles study shows
Meal times may be key to managing malaria, parasite study shows
New Lectureships in Biological Sciences
Lab-grown eggs could pave way towards new fertility treatments
Professor Francisca Mutapi awarded Chancellor’s Award for Impact
Breeding quirks of head lice offer insight into effective treatments
Complex tools help crows hunt more quickly
Solving a century-old mystery in cell division
Blight on Scottish forests - Overseas pine threat to native species
News 2017
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PhD applications for 2018 are open
Algae could feed and fuel planet with aid of new hi-tech tool
Newly found immune defence could pave way to treat allergies
Africa-led research to tackle the challenge of infectious diseases
Biotech company raises $42.5m to treat sight loss
Why do humans live for so long?
Nobel award for research pioneer
Scientists support African drug resistance fight
DNA discovery could help shed light on rare childhood disorder
Bid to tackle widespread cattle disease may aid African farmers
Sleeping sickness parasite ‘social behaviour’ could affect disease spread
New research facility to tackle antimicrobial resistance
Innovation Initiative Grants
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Follow-up survey 2022 – Impacts of Covid-19 Disruptions
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Athena SWAN
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News 2024
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Events and seminars
News 2022
News 2021
News 2020
News 2019
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Genetic test could aid quest to reveal causes of rare diseases
New exhibition features University research tackling deadly parasitic diseases
Biology Impacting Lives
African experts join forces to curb threat of tropical diseases
Potential harm of newly discovered viruses predicted by study
School Researchers receive Genetics Society Awards
Symposium held to mark Jean Beggs retirement
Wild animals evolving to give birth earlier in warming climate
Backing the scientists of the future: Innovative PhD programme wins funding
Warmer nights prompt birds to lay eggs earlier
Study reveals instructions for healthy cell division
Building solid foundations for the next generation
Stephen Wallace awarded UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship
Wild animals’ immune systems decline with age, sheep study finds
Innovative science PhD programmes announced by Wellcome
Heather McQueen awarded National Teaching Fellowship
Hi-tech bacteria gene tool could prove productive, study finds
2019 Ker Memorial Prize awarded for work on the immune system in Drosophila
Global Alliance of Biofoundries launched to boost synthetic biology
Immune system discovery could aid quest for stem cell therapies
Graduation July 2019
Blood cancer’s Achilles’ heel opens door for new treatments
World Malaria Day 2019: A New Guide to Malaria Pharmacology
On World Malaria Day 2019 - celebrating malaria research at the University of Edinburgh
Diet during development affects mating habits, insect study shows
Applications open - Doctoral Training Centre in Biomedical Artificial Intelligence
Smartphone-based biosensor to tackle arsenic poisoning
Colourful male fish have genes to thank for their enduring looks
Cell study reveals key mechanism linked to healthy development
Lucas Frungillo awarded BBSRC Discovery Fellowship
Natural blue colouring pioneers win collaboration award
Bid to beat drug resistance boosted by worldwide sewage survey
Professors Sarah Reece and Donal O’Carroll elected fellows of The Royal Society of Edinburgh
The faults in our RNA
City gardens help pollinating insects to thrive, study shows
News 2018
News 2017
Press Gang
Biological Sciences
News and events
News 2019
Graduation July 2019
Graduation July 2019
Photos of the July 2019 Graduation presentation and reception.
Publication date
09 Mar, 2022