The roles of Programme Reps, the Student-Staff Liaison Committee and how to make a complaint. Feedback for the School of Biological Sciences Some of the most common ways we gather feedback are through: Course Enhancement Questionnaires - Towards the end of courses we ask students to complete anonymous questionnaires. We take your views seriously and would encourage you to complete these questionnaires for all your courses. Student Representatives Student-Staff Liaison Meetings - These are run at both School and College level We may also run surveys at other times in the year and we'll let you know about those in the newsletter or through the announcements section of your Year Group Learn page. Feedback for the University of Edinburgh If you are looking to leave some feedback for the University of Edinburgh as a whole, take a look at the ‘Have Your Say’ suggestion box and let us know what you’re thinking. The University is serious about the suggestions received, and constantly strives to improve both our student and staff experiences. If you’re interested in seeing some of the great feedback and what they've done about it, visit the staff and student feedback pages: How have we listened to our students? How have we listened to our staff? Programme Representatives Programme Representatives represent the views of other students in their programme at the Student Staff Liaison Committee meetings. Complaints The complaint procedure is designed to ensure that complaints are properly investigated and are given careful and fair consideration. This article was published on 2024-06-17