English Language Support

Develop your academic writing and English language skills through courses and study materials designed for international students.

School of Biological Sciences Scientific Academic Writing

What is it?

This short course commencing in Week 1 provides self-access materials to help improve your academic writing skills for your programme, and provides the opportunity to submit your writing for feedback.

What do I need to do?

You will be required to write a short essay (broken down into three sections each of which is a separate assignment) set by your Programme Director. You will be supported in doing this by English Language Education tutors before being given feedback on your final essay by someone in your programme.

Why is this useful?

This course gives you feedback on your strengths and areas you may need to improve on as a writer within the context of your programme. It is non-credit bearing.

Who and how do you register?

The course is available to students on certain MSc programmes. You will automatically be enrolled on this programme in Learn if you are taking one of the participating programmes. 

Summer and Term-time English Courses

The University’s English Language Education centre offers a number of English language courses, including English for Academic Purposes and English for Specific Purposes.

  • You can study these in Edinburgh before your degree programme starts in September.
  • You can also improve your English once your degree programme has begun. Courses in both Academic and General English run for the whole academic year, and you can study from anywhere between 3 and 36 weeks.

Study English Online

Study materials are available online for University of Edinburgh students who wish to study English independently (EASE log in required).