Travelling for Your Research Project

Project travel expenses policy.

Claiming travel expenses for your project

The School of Biological Sciences will reimburse bus fares for the duration of the project period (up to a maximum of 3 months) for MSc students that meet the following criteria: 


  • The project location must be more than 30 minutes’ walk from the semester address as listed on MyEd, as calculated by Google Maps.
  • The following project locations will not be eligible:
    • King’s Buildings campus
    • University of Edinburgh central campus
    • Little France campus  

Eligible students should fill in their bank details at the link below, and then complete the expense claim form below. This form should be sent to, along with digital copies of any receipts.


Policy Details

  • The maximum claim permitted for MSc projects is £171.
  • Projects may be self-proposed but travel expenses must have prior approval from the BTO.
  • Eligible students who already hold an annual Student Ridacard and pay via Direct Debit will be able to claim for the equivalent time period (12 weeks as eligible) pro rata of the annual fee. A copy of the Ridacard must be submitted with the form in lieu of receipts.
  • Alternatively students may claim up to the maximum amount for other means of transport (e.g. petrol for car travel). Receipts for petrol or mileage up to the maximum claim will be accepted. 

Contact details