Coursework and Assessments

Submitting coursework, managing your workload, details of late penalties and receiving feedback on your work.

In each course you will be required to complete a number of coursework assignments, which are designed to develop your knowledge and skills.

Guidance for managing your coursework and workload.

Guidance on the penalties for late work submission.

How feedback is provided and collecting feedback given for returned work.

Extensions and Special Circumstances

While we hope that your studies will go smoothly, we recognise that sometimes you may be affected by circumstances beyond your control, such as injury, illness or mental health. There are support systems and processes, such as course work extensions and special circumstances, in place to help.


Special Circumstances Guidance

Schedule of Adjustments

Support and adjustments are available if you have a disability, learning difference or health condition that affects your studies.


Get in touch

If you need any advice about circumstances that affect your studies please contact the BTO Student Support Team.