How to access course information and timetables. Timetabling The University’s Timetabling Unit:Manages room allocations for teaching activities.Assists in the delivery of personalised timetable.Facilitates student study space bookings.Administers EUSA-registered student society bookings.Timetabling FAQs Your personalised timetable Information on your timetable can be accessed via MyEd: This includes a personalised timetable service called MyTimetable. Your personalised timetable also appears on Office 365 calendars, which you can view on your smartphone or other device.If your timetable changes, there will be a slight delay as your information is updated, but these changes should automatically appear on your calendar.How to access your personalised timetable General course timetables You can find information on the lectures and other classes that will take place for each of your courses by looking in the course guide on the Learn site. You can also find timetable information for all courses using PATH, an interactive online tool that allows you to select courses, see the options within these courses and put together an example timetable. Please note, using PATH to view courses does not enrol you on those courses. Check a timetable on PATH This article was published on 2024-06-17