If your coursework or exams have been affected by circumstances beyond your control, such as injury, illness or mental health issues you can apply for exceptional circumstances. At its best, University life is rich and rewarding, but all of us go through difficult times or have circumstances that can affect our studies. Part of our commitment to you, as a member of our University community, is that we are there to help if you are affected by circumstances beyond your control.The advice below is mainly aimed at Biological Sciences students. If you are from another School, please contact your Teaching Organisation for more information. Understanding Exceptional Circumstances How do I get help with issues that are affecting my studies? If you find yourself struggling due to illness, an accident, bereavement or any other issue, the BTO Student Support team are available for help and support. Before applying, you should discuss your situation with your Student Adviser. They will be able to advise you on your individual situation, help you access additional support if necessary, and guide you through the process of submitting your application for Exceptional circumstances.The BTO Student Support team can also connect you to a network of student support via the University's Health and Wellbeing Centre.Health and Wellbeing Centre What are Exceptional Circumstances? If there is a situation beyond your control that you feel may have an adverse impact on your academic performance, you can apply for Exceptional circumstances.There must be sufficient evidence to show that the situation had a significant adverse impact on your performance in any of the following areas: Underperformance in an assessment Non-submission of an assessment Non-attendance of a required course element Find out what counts as an Exceptional circumstance, including examples, on the Extensions and Special Circumstances Service website. Exceptional Circumstances Explained Making an Application Help with making an application Please get in touch with someone if you need support.Your Student Adviser is your first point of contact. They will be able to advise you on your individual situation, help you access additional support if necessary, and guide you through the process of submitting your application. After Submission What happens after submission? Once a decision has been made by the Exceptional Circumstances Service, they will pass the information on to the Biology Teaching Organisation, who will then decide how to implement the exceptional circumstances.You will be notified through Euclid when your final marks for the semester are released. Find out more about the outcome and next steps on the Exceptional Circumstances Service website. Exceptional Circumstances Explained Repeat requests for the same health condition If you find you are applying for exceptional circumstances multiple times for the same health condition, you could consider applying for a schedule of adjustment. The BTO Student Support team may get in touch with you to offer advice on this.AdjustmentsThere is additional support available for those with a disability or long term physical or mental health condition.The Disability and Learning Support Service can provide guidance. Disability and Learning Support Service If you need any advice about Exceptional Circumstances please contact the BTO Student Support Team. BTO Student Support Team Contact details Work: +44 (0)131 650 8649 Email: btostudentsupport@ed.ac.uk Web: Student Support Team Website This article was published on 2024-06-17