Information for prospective supervisors

Information for prospective supervisors.

EastBio is delighted to announce that UKRI BBSRC has confirmed renewing our funding for a further 5 intakes (2025-2030) after a successful DLA application. Click here to see the full News Item.

EastBio runs a joint recruitment and we make every effort to provide plain and clear guidance on our recruitment process. We strongly advise that, before you submit your project, you make sure you read the relevant guidance: 


Supervisor Eligibility

  1. Lead supervisors who successfully recruited an EastBio student in the previous two recruitment rounds (October 2023 and 2024 starts) are not eligible to submit a project for this recruitment round. This excludes supervisors who have CASE projects, who are only ineligible if they successfully recruited an EastBio student starting October 2024. 
  2. Lead supervisors who will have more than five PhD students as Lead supervisor in October 2025 (not counting students who are yet to be recruited) are not eligible to submit a project for this recruitment round.
  3. Supervisors can only propose one project as Lead supervisor.
  4. Supervisors must be up-to-date with supervisor training within their institution.

How to Submit Your Project Proposal

We are asking eligible staff of the partner institutions to submit your PhD project via an online form relevant for your Institution: 

University of Aberdeen:  

University of Dundee:  

University of Edinburgh CMVM:  

University of Edinburgh CSE:  

University of St Andrews:  

University of Stirling:  


Moredun Research Institute:  

James Hutton Institute:  


You can save the form and return to it for further edits before the closing date.

If you are submitting a CASE project, you must also separately submit a CASE Project Support Letter (see guidance for the template) signed by the CASE partner’s representative to your local academic lead for EastBio and to


The deadline for projects is the 22nd of November 2024. 


Projects approved (local level) 

29 November 

Projects advertised by (local level) 

9/13 December 


17 January 2025 

Nominations submitted (local level) 

7 February 

Shortlisting completed by (local level) 

20 February 

Interview invites sent from (local level) 

25 February 

Interviews held  

w/b 10 March 

Allocation meeting (EastBio Management Group) 

26 March 

Candidate Nominations

Each project supervisor is to nominate one candidate who represents the best fit for their project by submitting the EastBio Candidate Nomination Form to their local graduate school by the 7 February (the form must be signed by the lead supervisor and, when relevant, the CASE partner supervisor). No application will be considered without this form. 

EastBio operates a guaranteed interview scheme for nominated home BAME students. 

Nominated candidates will be shortlisted locally aiming for two candidates per studentship award, as per the partner institutions' quotas. The selection is conducted by each partner institution according to the same EastBio guidance.  

The shortlisted candidates will be invited to an EastBio interview by one of the panels chaired by an EastBio academic lead and 3 PIs from partner institutions. 

Candidate Nomination Form.docx (153.78 KB)


If you have further questions on the PhD Project Call or our recruitment, please email the EastBio academic representative at your local institution or