Enterprise and Industry Skills

Information about enterprise and industry-based skills training.

The UK bioscience industry offers a diverse range of employment opportunities that require researchers to display the necessary skills and experience in order to successfully transition from academia into industry and other bioscience-related non-research careers. To achieve this vision, the EastBio enterprise skills training component of our programme supports your development by exposing students wishing to gain knowledge, skills and experience of industry to business, commercial, entrepreneurial and leadership skills.

We will publish details of enterprise and industry-based skills training that we have been developing in collaboration with our partners and stakeholders, IBioIC, SULSA, Turing Institute, Edinburgh Innovation.

Please note, all EastBio CASE students will have access to IBioIC training listed below free of charge. You will receive invites directly from IBioIC to register for the training appropriate for your level of study.

All other EastBio students are welcome to get in touch with IBioIC to register for training, but there may be a fee involved.

IBioICImpact Through Engagement19/20-Nov-249:30-16:00In Person, Strathclyde Student UnionEmail
IBioICPowerful Posters21-Nov-249:30-13:00In Person, Strathclyde Student UnionEmail
IBioICCV Workshop (for finishing students)21-Nov-2413:30-17:00In Person, Strathclyde Student UnionEmail
IBioICAn Introduction to Omics3/4-Dec-24tbcOnline DeliveryEmail
IBioICHow to Cost a Bioprocess4/5-Feb-259:30-16:30In Person, Strathclyde Student UnionEmail
IBioICProject Management10/11-Jun-25tbcIn Person, Strathclyde CampusDetails
IBioICCareers Day - Exhibit from IndustrytbcHalf DayIn Person, Strathclyde CampusDetails
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Edinburgh Innovations    Events page