Information about Industrial CASE Studentships. Image Ian Archer - EastBio Research Experience Placements Induction - Dundee, 22 May 2023 The EastBio training programme funds a number of PhD studentships which are developed as partnerships between academia and industry. These are known as Collaborative, or CASE, Studentships.This type of studentship includes a placement with a non-academic partner doing high quality collaborative research work that is directly related to your research project in one of the areas of science relevant to the UKRI BBSRC strategic priorities. The non-academic partner nominates a relevant person independent of your academic PhD supervisor, who will ensure you receive the appropriate level of management, support, direction and training while working at the non-academic partner.To assist with the management of CASE studentships, we encouraged students, their PhD and CASE supervisors to complete and maintain a CASE Welcome Survey at the start of the research project and at frequent intervals throughout the PhD (optional, not monitored by the EastBio team).CASE Welcome survey.docx (162.75 KB)1. What training is a CASE student required to complete?CASE students must take part in all components of the EastBio training programme and are required to complete training in Years 1, 2, 3 and 4. However, they are not required to carry out an additional placement through the PIPS scheme.For the placement at the non-academic partner, the CASE students will spend between 3 months up to a maximum of 18 months with the non-academic partner. This can be taken in one 3-month block at any point during the PhD or a number of shorter blocks giving the flexibility to plan in sync with business priorities. An integral component of the placement training is that it provides the student with a training experience unavailable at your academic institution. This should include training in project management, business strategy and finance, to give some examples.Students are to attend the EastBio Collaborative Placements Q&A session (online, 30 January 2025, 11:05-12:15) that aims to provide advice and support to manage your placement. Document EastBio Collaborative Placements QA (85.67 KB / DOCX) Students are also invited to attend the presentations by EastBio students who have completed their placements (both PIPS and CASE) on the 3 February 2025, from 12:20. Document Placements QA - Summary (98.05 KB / DOCX) EastBio CASE Placements QA 2025 (2).pptxEASTBIO Collaborative Placement MOU.docx (158.78 KB)EastBio will provide separate industrial skills training in collaboration with our industrial partners, IBIoIC, Cool Farm Alliance and SULSA. The options are confirmed each year and communicated to students in advance of the training.2. What do EastBio and UKRI BBSRC expect from PhD students with regards to CASE?The EastBio Management Group are confident that CASE students will take a proactive approach to work together with their PhD and CASE supervisors to deliver their placement project.The following points summarise what EastBio expects from you:Prior to starting a CASE studentship, ensure that you the student have read and understood any formal agreement signed between your host institution and the industrial/CASE partner of your PhD project; if you are unsure, please speak to your PhD supervisor and ask for a meeting with the CASE partner representative. The EastBio CASE agreement contain essential details of the PhD project and the industrial collaboration in keeping with UKRI terms and conditions, outlining agreed Intellectual Property and publication arrangements, as well as the commitments and mutual expectations of all parties.Deliver the placement project work whilst adopting a professional behavior in the CASE partner premises and receiving the agreed training package.If students require overseas travel for the placement, you the student must complete the PIPS Abroad Checklist prior to commencing work with the CASE partner. Document Placement Abroad Pre-departure Checklist (988.39 KB / DOCX) For any questions, please email the EastBio Placements mailbox. EastBio Placement enquiries University of Edinburgh Contact details Email: This article was published on 2024-06-17