Hidden Cell Dark Genome Conference, Edinburgh 2-4th April 2025 This international conference is inspired by the combined aims of the Wellcome Discovery Research Platform for Hidden Cell Biology and MRC Human Genetics Unit at the University of Edinburgh in uncovering currently hidden areas of genetics, cellular and structural biology. Image Hidden Cell Dark Genome Our Vision The Discovery Research Platform for Hidden Cell Biology is a cross disciplinary team of researchers and technologists working to develop new techniques to overcome technical and knowledge barriers to scientific progress. Enabled by five Technology Cores the DRP-HCB works with an interdisciplinary community of scientists. The Technology Cores The four DRP-HCB Technology Cores, provide state-of-the-art instrumentation, technical expertise and training. Platform Access Access the DRP-HCB technology cores to advance your research in understudied areas of Cell Biology. Training and Internships Open-access Technology training courses and paid Internship opportunities. People and Environment The researchers and technologists driving the development of the DRP-HCB. News and events Outputs, success stories and engagement events. This article was published on 2024-06-17