Advanced imaging technologies and analysis. The Light Microscopy Core (LMC) is home to a wide range of imaging technologies and image analysis software and is open to users with all levels of imaging experience. The Core can provide full training to users, and technologists provide technical support for experimental design and image analysis, including writing bespoke ImageJ plugins for analysis pipelines or to extend the functionality of ImageJ . We can also provide advice and assistance with all aspects of the imaging workflow, from grant applications to paper preparation. Equipment Image Researchers have access to:Laser scanning confocals,Spinning disk confocals,a TIRF microscope,Several widefield microscopesa flow cytometer.All microscopes have environmental chambers to maintain temperature and CO2 for live cell imaging. Access to the Light Microscopy Core To access the Light Microscopy Core, you must first register a project with the DRP-HCB. If you would like to discuss your requirements in more detail before registering a project, you can contact the LMC Core Manager directly.All users must receive training on the relevant equipment before accessing the online booking system. Light Microscopy Core Light Microscopy Core Manager Contact details Email: This article was published on 2024-06-17