Details of the Advanced Microscopy Course. Advanced Microscopy Course 2024Date: 4 - 7 November 2024Venue: tbcCapacity: 20Registration: Opens Monday 7 October via an online formThe course combines theory and practical sessions covering Brightfield, Fluorescence and Confocal microscopy, and Image analysis, as well as more advanced methods including Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy (TIRFM), Super Resolution Microscopy, Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy and the C-Trap Optical Tweezers.Past Courses2023Course TimetableMonday Oct 30th9amKen Sawin - Image FormationWaddington 1.0810.30amKen Sawin - Contrast MethodsWaddington 1.081pmDavid Kelly & Alison Pidoux - Brightfield PracticalsCOIL, Swann 2.13Tuesday October 31st9amDavid Kelly - FluorescenceSwann 7.1510amDavid Kelly - Fluorescence MicroscopySwann 7.1511.15amBram Prevo - Live Cell ImagingSwann 7.151pmDavid Kelly - Confocal MicroscopySwann 7.252.15pmDavid Kelly & Alison Pidoux - Fluorescence PracticalCOIL, Swann 2.13Wednesday November 1st9amRolly Weigand - Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy (TIRFM)DRB G27 Lecture theatre10amRolly Weigand - Super Resolution MicroscopyDRB G27 Lecture theatre11.15am Toni McHugh - C-Trap Optical TweezersDRB G27 Lecture theatre1pmConfocal, Widefield and Tweezers PracticalsCOIL, Swann 2.13Thursday November 2nd9amFernanda Cisneros Soberanis - Correlative Light and Electron MicroscopySwann 7.1510.30am Toni McHugh - DeconvolutionSwann 7.151pmDavid Kelly/Toni McHugh - Image Analysis Practical (ImageJ)COIL, Swann 2.13 This article was published on 2024-06-17