Information about Imaris software. Available Features Available FeaturesImaris ColocCo-localisation in 2D, 3D or 4DUser selects region of co-localisationAutomatic output of Pearsons coefficient, Manders coefficientImaris TrackTrack cells, cell division and lineageTrack in 3D or 4DImaris XTAllows ImageJ/FIJI plugins to be directly integrated.Allows direct data exchange with ImageJ or MatlabImaris CellAutomatic detection of cells & organellsFull Image StatisticsCell countVolumeDistances to membrane or cell centrePosition (XYZ)AreaIntensityShapeAnimations and Preparation for publicationAnimation editing4D movies as Mpeg for external viewingVolume renderingRoom Location and ComputerSwann 2.13, Imaging Computers 1 & 2 This article was published on 2024-06-17