We recommend the following University training for postdocs in the School. Institute for Academic DevelopmentThe Institute for Academic Development provide focused training for postdocs (research staff) which gets excellent feedback. Some highlights are:WritingGet that Paper Written and Published LeadershipMaking the Most of your Postdoc (Strategies for Independence) Effective Collaborations Ingenious Women CommunicationSocial Media for ResearchersManaging Difficult Conversations Professional NetworkingFundingWriting Research ProposalsWriting and Applying for FellowshipsCareersCV writingChanging CareersInstitute for Academic Development Resources for PostdocsAdditional Leadership and Management training at the UniversityNot specifically targeted at postdocs but they do provide useful courses, especially for those looking to develop their leadership and management skills.Please note that places are very limited.Introduction to LeadershipAll courses grouped by theme This article was published on 2024-06-17