You have access to careers advice, recommended online resources, as well as additional mentoring and application for career coaching. Independent Careers AdviceAll postdocs can access one-to-one career development consultations from the Institute for Academic Development.Career ConsultationsRecommended online material if you want to focus on your developmentInstitute for Academic DevelopmentGuide to Thriving as a Researcher Career Management Guide for Research Staff Career Case Studies Sarah Blackford, Careers ConsultantBioscience Careers Blog/Web Resources Future Learn online course developed in part by the UniversityCareer Management for Early Career Academic ResearchersVitaeNational resources and information for researchers Additional Mentoring and CoachingIn addition to the SBS Postdoc mentoring scheme, you can also access other platforms for mentoring and coaching opportunities.MentoringMentoring Circles for PostdocsSchool of Biological Sciences Coaching Scheme This article was published on 2024-06-17