


News archive
- Apr. 2024: Grace, Lucy and Helen attended the Microbiology Society annual conference in Edinburgh
- Oct. 2023: We're hosting Lindi Wahl from Western University, Canada, for the Institute of Ecology and Evolution seminar (4 Oct.)
- Apr. 2023: Pierre and Helen are giving talks at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology (Ploen, Germany) workshop, "Modelling Resistance Evolution: Theoretical Methodology Symposium".
- Apr. 2023: Grace is presenting her research at the Microbiology Society Annual Conference in Birmingham.
- Feb. 2023: Welcome to Amalia Bogri, who is a visiting PhD student from the Technical University of Denmark, and Katie Hardwick, who is doing her Honours project in the lab this semester.
- Sept.-Oct. 2022: More conferences! Lucy gave a talk at ECMTB and Pierre presented a poster at the "Microbial Communities" workshop at the Isaac Newton Institute.
- Sept. 2022: Kiran presented her PhD work at the SPPIRIT symposium in Edinburgh - and won the poster prize! Congratulations!
- Sept. 2022: Helen gave invited talks at a Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology workshop and at the SMBE Satellite Meeting on Evolutionary Rescue.
- Aug. 2022: Summer conference time! Lucy attended ESEB and Helen attended ISME, both presenting posters.
- May 2022: Welcome to Grace Taylor-Joyce, who joins us as a postdoc.
- Apr. 2022: Lucy and Pierre presented posters at the Edinburgh AMR Forum poster day.
- Mar. 2022: We held our first in-person lab retreat!
- Feb. 2022: Now recruiting a postdoc! Apply by 14 March.
- Feb. 2022: Helen is speaking in the Edinburgh AMR seminar series on 23 Feb.
- Oct. 2021: A warm welcome to Kiran Wadhawan! Kiran is starting a PhD with us, co-supervised by Dr. Pedro Vale.
- Sept. 2021: Helen is speaking (in person!) at the SEEM seminar series in Montpellier.
- June 2021: Congrats to Lucy and Pierre for excellent first poster presentations on their PhD work at the Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting, and to Lucy for winning a poster prize in the Population Dynamics subgroup!
- May 2021: We are delighted to host Ben Kerr from the University of Washington as our virtual speaker for the IEB seminar on 19 May
- Mar. 2021: Helen is a "virtual visitor" at the University of Toronto Ecology & Evolutionary Biology department
- Jan. 2021: Helen, Lucy, and Pierre are attending the virtual IHP program "Ecology and co-evolution: from models to data and back"
- Nov. 2020: Now advertising one PhD project for Oct. 2021 start (update Jan. 2021: applications now closed)
- Nov. 2020: Helen spoke at this year's virtual Edinburgh Infectious Diseases Symposium (recordings now available)
- Oct. 2020: Welcome to new PhD students Lucy Lansch-Justen and Pierre Lafont!



