November 2023
Here is our work highlighted on the cover of EMBO journal, issue 2nd November 2023.

September 2022
We welcome Conor Treacy and Jeraldine Weber as postdoc and PhD student respectively.
August 2022
We welcome Huey Ying Kok in the lab, joining as a research assistant.
July 2022
Thomas's work on pathogenic prediction of tubulin isotypes, in collaboration with Joe Marsch available on Biorxiv.
May 2022
Well done Toni for the work on Kif18b-EB-MCAK, finally out in JCS.
March 2022
Ben's paper on CENPE motility is out in Open Biology. Congratulations Ben!
September 2021

Julie receives the Patrick Neill Royal Society of Edinburgh Medal.
I am thankful for this prestigious award, having had to juggle three young children at home and work in extraordinary circumstances during the Covid-19 pandemic. I would also like to highlight all the wonderful people I have so far worked with in the Welcome Centre for Cell Biology, University of Edinburgh and beyond.
Dr Julie Welburn, RSE Patrick Neill Medal Awardee
July 2020
Our paper on how CENP-E gets to kinetochores through BUBR1 is out in JCS!
April 2020
Our review on CENP-E in mitosis is out.
January 2020
PhD alumni Jovana Deretic gets a Marie curie Fellowship to study in Elif Firat lab.
October 2019
New PhD student Leo joins the lab.
August 2019
Thibault presents our structural work on CENP-E at kinetochores at the Dynamic Kinetochore Workshop in Paris.
June 2019
Ben won the best poster prize for the Institute of Cell Biology at the Grad School poster day.
March 2019
Thibault presents our structural work on CENP-E at kinetochores at the Spindle meeting in Croatia.
February 2019
Toni presents our work on Kif18b at the Annual Biophysical meeting in Baltimore.
January 2019
We welcome Gaetan Dias-Mirandela in the lab
January 2019
Our paper on MCAK regulation by Aurora B kinase is out in JCS!
December 2018
Julie presents our work at the ASCB and chairs the minisymposium "Motors in transport and cytoskeleton remodelling".
November 2018
November is a busy month for us. Our paper describing a method to identify Aurora kinase substrates is online. SPICE1 is one of them.
A rapid computational approach identifies SPICE1 as an Aurora kinase substrate
November 2018
Read our latest review of Kinesin-13 mechanism.
Parts list for a microtubule depolymerising kinesin
November 2018

Julie is one of 26 international young scientists to receive the EMBO Young Investigator award!
September 2018
We say goodbye to Jovana and welcome to our new Precision Medicine PhD student Thomas Attard, jointly supervised with Jo Marsh, IGMM. Welcome also to our Chemistry final year student Emma Andrews who comes to the lab for her Honours project.
August 2018

Julie's SRF starts. With her first SRF salary, Julie takes the lab out to the Grainstore restaurant!
July 2018
Our paper on the regulation of spindle positioning and microtubule length is out at JCB and is open access!
Microtubule end tethering of a processive kinesin-8 motor Kif18b is required for spindle positioning
March 2018

The Welburn Lab attended the Dynamic Cell conference in Manchester. It was a great meeting and Agata won a prize for her poster on Kif18b and spindle positioning!
January 2018

Lab retreat 2018 with Okhura lab. We discussed creativity in the context of science and outside the lab. This was followed by a competitive game of netball.

1st November 2017
Jovana defends her thesis.
Well done Dr Deretic!
October 2017
Welcome to Ben Craske Eastbio BBSRC student and Giovanna de la Hoz Banos Erasmus+ student to the lab!
August 2017
Julie receives a Wellcome Senior Research Fellowship (2018-2023).
Great science ahead for the Welburn lab!
May 2017
Second summer vacation studentship success for undergraduate Derrick Tang who received one from Wellcome!
May 2017
Yann Frey joins the lab for 4 months from Paris. Additionally, Yann gets a BSCB summer studentship and thanks to BSCB!
April 2017
Getting ready for the 3rd British Microtubule meeting, Toni is giving a talk!
March 2017
Read our JCB Spotlight on Dynein at kinetochores!
Dynein at kinetochores: Making the connection
March 2017
Our paper on MCAK in human cells and C. elegans in collaboration with Julien Dumont is out at Development.
September 2016
Julie has received a Research grant from the Royal Society!
May 2016
Welcome Innes and welcome back Jonida. Innes recceived a Carnegie Vacation summer studentship and Jonida is in the lab for a few more weeks before she starts her PhD at the MRC-LMB.
April 2016
Welcome to Heather in the lab! Heather joins us from the Chemistry department in Edinburgh and brings a new string of skills to our lab.
February 2016
Our paper on the Dam1 complex is accepted and coming out soon!
January 2016
Agata is leaving us to do another full-time job, maternity leave. Agata will be back in the Fall we hope.
January 2016
Thibault gets a Staff PhD Scholarship award. Congratulations Thibault!
January 2016
Paper with Iva Tolic is out at nature Communications!
Happy 2016!
December 2015
Julie is interviewed by JCS in Cell Scientists to Watch.
November 2015
Welcome to Toni starting as postdoc in our lab.
A date for your diaries
25th April 2016 for an awesome British Microtubule meeting in Edinburgh again!