If we offer you a place to study with us, it is usually a requirement that you arrive in Edinburgh in August to attend the intensive English language course provided by English Language Education (ELE) team at the University of Edinburgh. This course, Preparation for Undergraduate Study 1 (PUGS1), focuses on Academic English skills that are essential for university study in the UK, it starts about 4-5 weeks before the start of Semester 1. In 2024 the cost for PUGS1 was £1555.
Once you begin your Biological Sciences studies, you may also be expected to study an in-sessional English course designed for Biological Sciences students to ensure that your English is to a sufficient standard. The cost of this course in 2024 was £340.
Entry criteria:
- TOEFL: All students, regardless of TOEFL score are required to take both courses. This is because staff at English Language Education can’t gauge proficiency in English from TOEFL scores as they can with IELTS scores. Both tests are very different.
- IELTS overall score of 6.5 with a minimum of 5.5 in each section: Students must take both English courses.
- IELTS overall score of 7.0 or above: Students are only required to take PUGS1.
- IELTS overall scores of 7.5 or above and 6.5 or above in each section - Students are exempt from taking both English language courses (PUGS1 and PUGS2).