Josefin Fernius
Former Wellcome PhD student. Now a post-doc in Linköping, Sweden
Matylda Sczaniecka
Former Darwin Trust PhD student. Now a post-doc with Ian Jackson, Cambridge
Laura Milne
Former MRC PhD student. Now at Charles River Laboratories
Patricia Rischitor
Former post-doc. European Research Executive Agency, Research Programme administrator, Brussels
Emma King
Former BBSRC PhD student. Now at University of Nottingham
Victoria Anderson
Former Wellcome Trust PhD student. Now at AdaptImmune, Oxford.
Rebekka Valsdóttir
Former post-doc. Now at The Icelandic Centre for Research, Reykjavik
Julie Blyth
Former research associate, now working with Adele Marston and COIL, WTCCB.
Leigh Campbell
Former post-doc. Now a clinical biochemist, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh
David Millband
Former Wellcome Trust PhD student. Now a Process Development Project Leader at Hospira Inc. in Adelaide, Australia
Michelle Brady
Former research associate
Raymond Johnston
Former PhD student. Now at Invitrogen Corp.