
News from the lab.

Congratulations Thom!

November 2024

Congratulations Thom, for successfully defending your PhD thesis!


Our first Cryptococcus paper published!

June 2024

Congratulations Koly, Thom and Ioanna, for successfully publishing our first Cryptococcus study.  Thanks to the JP, Wallace and Swain labs for key collaborations and to Christos and the DRP Proteomics core for expert technical support.

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011302

Cell-cycle control: Timing is everything for the Plk1-Bub1 partnership.

June 2023

Current Biology dispatch - congratulations Thom!  

DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.04.073

mps1 and mad mutations reduce Cryptococcus neoformans titan cell viability.

Feb 2023

Koly Aktar, Thomas Davies, Ioanna Leontiou, Ivan Clark, Christos Spanos, Edward Wallace, Laura Tuck, A. Arockia Jeyaprakash, Kevin G. Hardwick.  


Congratulations Koly!

Dec 2022

Congratulations Koly, for successfully defending your PhD thesis!

Bub1 kinase acts as a signalling hub for the entire Cryptococcus neoformans spindle assembly checkpoint pathway.

Sept 2022

Leontiou, I., Davies,T., Clark, I., Aktar, K., Suresh, A.P., Abad, M.A., Spanos, C., Lee, K-T, Bahn, Y-S, Jeyaprakash, A.A. and Hardwick, K.G..  bioRxiv 


Bub1-TPR paper published in Current Biology!

Congratulations to Priya and Sadhbh!

June 2019

Congratulations to both Priya and Sadhbh, for successfully defending their PhD theses this week!

Abscisic acid for chemically induced dimerisation, just accepted in Journal of Cell Science!

Apc15 paper published in Current Biology!

Synthetic checkpoint (SynCheck) paper published in Current Biology!

Mad3 paper published in PLoS Genetics!

Congratulations to Ivan and Onur!

Dec 2015

Congratulations to Ivan and Onur for finding great jobs in Edinburgh and Newcastle!