EdinOmics is now open!
EdinOmics is open from 13th July 2020
The facility continues to be an EdinOmics staff only zone. Users are requested to contact the facility manager by email (Tessa.Moses@ed.ac.uk) or telephone (0131 650 8284) for enquiries prior to dropping off samples.
To access the GeneVac located in Waddington 2.18, and LC-grade reagents, solvents and glassware contact the facility manager.
We strictly follow surface decontamination using isopropanol and expect your samples to be passed to us in clean and surface disinfected boxes. Please use 70% ethanol, isopropanol, or high-grade medical surface disinfectant for this. Also ensure that the samples are prepared while practicing social distancing and with appropriate PPE to avoid cross contamination. Do not forget to surface disinfect the transportation containers or boxes for your samples.
Waddington building will be following a one-way system, and we request everyone to follow these at all times to maintain adequate social distancing. Please stay aware of your surrounding and be respectful of other occupants in the building.
If you are in doubt or have any further queries, contact
0131 650 8284
Waddington 1.03
EdinOmics Vouchers
2020 Vouchers - Round 1
Closed: 28th February 2020
Results announced: 29th April 2020
Outcome: 5 applications were awarded with a success rate of 83%