List of publications from the OAK fellows. 1. Ndlovu, V., Chimbari, M., Ndarukwa, P., & Sibanda, E. (2022). Sensitisation to Imbrasia belina (mopane worm) and other local allergens in rural Gwanda district of Zimbabwe. Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology, 18(1), 1-12. Vengesai, A., Naicker, T., Midzi, H., Kasambala, M., Muleya, V., Chipako, I., Choto, E., Moyo, P., Mduluza, T. (2022). Peptide Microarray Analysis Of In-Silico Predicted B-Cell Epitopes in SARS-COV-2 Sero-Positive Healthcare Workers In Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Acta Tropica, 238, 106781.3. Pfavayi L.T, Burchmore R, Sibanda EN, Baker S., Woolhouse M., Mduluza T., Mutapi F.(2022). The Identification and Characterisation of Immunoreactive Fungal Proteins Recognised by Sera from Zimbabweans Sensitised to Fungi. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, 1-10. doi:10.1159/0005247714. Lampard-Scotford, A., Pfavayi, L., Kasambala, M., Choto, E., Vengesai, A., Lim, R., Tagwireyi, P., Banda, G., Mazigo, H., Mduluza, T. & Mutapi, F. (2022). Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices And Behaviours (Kapb) Around Water, Sanitation And Hygiene (Wash) In Villagers Exposed To Schistosomiasis In Zimbabwe. Plos Water, 1, E0000038.5. Ndlovu, V., Chimbari, M., Sibanda, E., & Ndarukwa, P. (2021). A feasibility study to assess Imbrasia belina (mopane worm) sensitisation and related respiratory health outcomes in a rural community in Gwanda district, Zimbabwe. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7(1), 1-16. Pfavayi L.T., Sibanda EN., Baker S., Woolhouse M., Mduluza T., Mutapi F. (2021) Fungal allergic sensitisation in young rural Zimbabwean children: Gut mycobiome and seroreactivity characteristics. Current Research in Microbial Sciences, 2:100082. doi:10.1016/j.crmicr.2021.1000827. Mutapi F., Pfavayi L., Osakunor D., Lim R., Kasambala M., Mutemeri A., Rusakaniko S., Chibanda D., Mduluza T. (2021). Assessing early child development and its association with stunting and schistosome infections in rural Zimbabwean children using the Griffiths Scales of Child Development. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15(8): e0009660. Mushayi C., Nyabadza F., Chigidi E., Mataramvura H., Pfavayi L., Rusakaniko S., Sibanda EN. (2021). A mathematical model for the prediction of the prevalence of allergies in Zimbabwe. World Allergy Organ Journal, 14(7):100555. doi:10.1016/j.waojou.2021.1005559. Pfavayi L.T., Denning D.W., Baker S., Sibanda E.N., Mutapi F. (2021). Determining the burden of fungal infections in Zimbabwe. Scientific Reports, 11, 13240. Choto, E., Mduluza, T. & Chimbari, M. (2021). Interleukin-13 Rs1800925/-1112c/T Promoter Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Variant Linked To Anti-Schistosomiasis In Adult Males In Murehwa District, Zimbabwe. Plos One, 16, E0252220.11. Ndarukwa, P., Chimbari, M. J. & Sibanda, E. N. (2021). Protocol For A Scoping Review To Evaluate The Extent Of Utilisation Of Healthcare Services By Asthma Patients In Sub-Saharan African Countries. Bmj Open, 11.12. Ndarukwa, P., Chimbari, M. J. & Sibanda, E. N. (2021). Survival Of Asthma Patients Attended At Chitungwiza Central Hospital In Zimbabwe. Pamj Clinical Medicine.13. Sibanda, E. N., Dube, Y., Chakawa, M., Mduluza, T., Mutapi, F. (2021). Systemic Sclerosis In Zimbabwe: Autoantibody Biomarkers, Clinical, And Laboratory Correlates. Front Immunol, 12, 679531.14. Ndlovu, V., Chimbari, M. J., & Sibanda, E. (2020). Assessing the nature of asthma in African epidemiological studies: a scoping review protocol. Systematic Reviews, 9, 1-7. Pfavayi L.T, Sibanda E.N, Mutapi F. (2020). The Pathogenesis of Fungal-Related Diseases and Allergies in the African Population: The State of the Evidence and Knowledge Gaps. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, 181(4):257-269. doi: 10.1159/00050600916. Ndarukwa, P., Chimbari, M. J. & Sibanda, E. N. (2020). Assessment Of Levels Of Asthma Control Among Adult Patients With Asthma At Chitungwiza Central Hospital, Zimbabwe. Allergy, Asthma, And Clinical Immunology : Official Journal Of The Canadian Society Of Allergy And Clinical Immunology, 16.17. Ndarukwa, P., Chimbari, M. J. & Sibanda, E. N. (2020). Effects Of Comorbidities On Asthma Control Among Patients Attended To At Chitungwiza Central Hospital In Zimbabwe. 18. Ndarukwa, P., Chimbari, M. J., Sibanda, E. N. & Madanhire, T. (2020). The Healthcare Seeking Behaviour Of Adult Patients With Asthma at Chitungwiza Central Hospital, Zimbabwe. Asthma Research And Practice, 6.19. Choto, E., Mduluza, T., Mutapi, F. & Chimbari, M. (2020). Association Of Schistosomiasis And Risk Of Prostate Cancer Development In Residents Of Murehwa Rural Community, Zimbabwe. Infectious Agents And Cancer, 15, 59.20. Choto, E., Mduluza, T., Sibanda, E., Mutapi, F. & Chimbari, M. (2020). Possible Association And Co-Existence Of Schistosome Infection And Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review. African Journal Of Reproductive Health, 24, 185-197.21. Mduluza - Jokonya, T., Naicker, T., Jokonya. Phd, L., Midzi, H., Vengesai, A., Kasambala, M., Choto, E., Rusakaniko, S., Sibanda, E., Mutapi, F. & Mduluza, T. (2020). Association Of Schistosoma Haematobium Infection Morbidity And Severity On Co-Infections In Pre-School Age Children Living In A Rural Endemic Area In Zimbabwe. Bmc Public Health, 20, 1570.22. Mduluza - Jokonya, T., Naicker, T., Kasambala, M., Jokonya, L., Vengesai, A., Midzi, H., Choto, E., Musonza, K., Rusakaniko, S., Sibanda, E., Mutapi, F. & Mduluza, T. (2020). Clinical Morbidity Associated With S. Haematobium Infection In Pre‐School Age Children From An Endemic District In Zimbabwe. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 25.23. Ndarukwa, P., Chimbari, M. J. & Sibanda, E. N. (2019). Algorithm For Asthma Diagnosis And Management At Chitungwiza Central Hospital, Zimbabwe. The Pan African Medical Journal, 37.24. Ndarukwa, P., Chimbari, M. J. & Sibanda, E. N. (2019). Development Of A Framework For Increasing Asthma Awareness In Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe. Asthma Research And Practice, 5.25. Ndarukwa, P., Chimbari, M. J. & Sibanda, E. N. (2019). Protocol On A Systematic Review Of Qualitative Studies On Asthma Treatment Challenges Experienced In Sub-Saharan Africa. Systematic Reviews, 8.26. Ndarukwa, P., Chimbari, M. J. & Sibanda, E. N. (2019). Survival Analysis Of Asthma Patients Attended To At Chitungwiza Central Hospital In Zimbabwe. 27. Sibanda E.N, Chase-Topping M, Pfavayi L.T, Woolhouse M.E.J, Mutapi F. (2018). Evidence of a distinct group of Black African patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. BMJ Global Health, 16;3(5):e000697.28. Osakunor, D. N. M., Mduluza, T., Midzi, N., Chase-Topping, M., Mutsaka-Makuvaza, M. J., Chimponda, T., Eyoh, E., Mduluza, T., Pfavayi, L. T., Wami, W. M., Amanfo, S. A., Murray, J., Tshuma, C., Woolhouse, M. E. J. & Mutapi, F. (2018). Dynamics Of Paediatric Urogenital Schistosome infection, Morbidity And Treatment: A Longitudinal Study Among Preschool Children In Zimbabwe. Bmj Glob Health, 3, E000661.29. Mduluza, T., Chimponda, T., Mduluza - Jokonya, T., Choto, E. & Mutapi, F. (2017). Urogenital Schistosomiasis—Evidence-Based Benefits Of Treatment Initiated Early During Childhood. Current Clinical Microbiology Reports, 4. This article was published on 2024-06-17