In collaboration with the Wellcome Centre for Cell Biology public engagement team, we have participated in a number of outreach activities.
These include the the Kickstart programme, the Life Through a Lens workshop and other events at the Botanics.
Fused Glass
In collaboration with Sarah Keer-Keer, I have developed a series of designs for fused glass to show the process of protein crystallisation.
Understanding Protein-RNA interactions
We have initiated a project to use 3D printed protein structures as a route to engaging the public about protein-RNA interactions. The pictures below show double stranded RNA and a protein that recognises this type of nucleic acid.
Life Through a Lens
This workshop gives members of the public the opportunity to explore the history of cell biology, to engage with scientists from the Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology, and to explore cells using a variety of different microscopes, all in the beautiful environment of the botanic gardens. This workshop has also been presented to school children in the form of a play.
Zorbing the cell
In summer 2014, we used a zorb ball to represent a cell (with colourful chromosomes in its nucleus) in a public engagement activity at the Botanics.
Structural Biology Picture Wall
Together with Sarah Keer-Keer, I have updated the Structural Biology group picture wall to give visitors to our department an insight into on-going activities in our groups.

Related links
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh