
Publications from the Beggs lab group.

Most recent

The complexity of transferring genetic information

(2023) Voices: Mol. Cell 83: 320-323.

Strader, L.C, Staller, M.V, Willis, A.E, Faulkner, G.J, Beggs, J.D. and Cech, T.R.

Conditional depletion of transcriptional kinases Ctk1 and Bur1 and effects on co-transcriptional spliceosome assembly and pre-mRNA splicing

(2021) RNA Biol. 18:782-793. doi: 10.1080/15476286.2021.1991673. PMID: 34705599

Maudlin, I.E. and Beggs, J.D.

From yeast to humans, pre-mRNA splicing occurs mainly co-transcriptionally, with splicing and transcription functionally coupled such that they influence one another. The recruitment model of co-transcriptional splicing proposes that core members of the transcription elongation machinery have the potential to influence co-transcriptional spliceosome assembly and pre-mRNA splicing. Here, we tested whether the transcription elongation kinases Bur1 and Ctk1 affect co-transcriptional spliceosome assembly and pre-mRNA splicing in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In S. cerevisiae, Ctk1 is the major kinase that phosphorylates serine 2 of the carboxy-terminal domain of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II, whilst Bur1 augments the kinase activity of Ctk1 and is the major kinase for elongation factor Spt5. We used the auxin-inducible degron system to conditionally deplete Bur1 and Ctk1 kinases, and investigated the effects on co-transcriptional spliceosome assembly and pre-mRNA splicing. Depletion of Ctk1 effectively reduced phosphorylation of serine 2 of the carboxy-terminal domain but did not impact co-transcriptional spliceosome assembly or pre-mRNA splicing. In striking contrast, depletion of Bur1 did not reduce phosphorylation of serine 2 of the carboxy-terminal domain, but reduced Spt5 phosphorylation and enhanced co-transcriptional spliceosome assembly and pre-mRNA splicing, suggesting a role for this kinase in modulating co-transcriptional splicing.

Blocking late stages of splicing quickly limits pre-spliceosome assembly in vivo

(2019) RNA Biol. 12:1775-1784. doi: 10.1080/15476286.2019.1657788

Gonzalo I. Mendoza-Ochoa, J. David Barrass, Isabella E. Maudlin and Jean D. Beggs

Pre-messenger RNA splicing involves multi-step assembly of the large spliceosome complexes that catalyse the two consecutive trans-esterification reactions, resulting in intron removal. There is evidence that proof-reading mechanisms monitor the fidelity of this complex process. Transcripts that fail these fidelity tests are thought to be directed to degradation pathways, permitting the splicing factors to be recycled. While studying the roles of splicing factors in vivo, in budding yeast, we performed targeted depletion of individual proteins, and analysed the effect on co-transcriptional spliceosome assembly and splicing efficiency. Unexpectedly, depleting factors such as Prp16 or Prp22, that are known to function at the second catalytic step or later in the splicing pathway, resulted in a defect in the first step of splicing, and accumulation of arrested spliceosomes. Through a kinetic analysis of newly synthesized RNA, we observed that a second step splicing defect (the primary defect) was rapidly followed by the first step of splicing defect. Our results show that knocking down a splicing factor can quickly lead to a recycling defect with splicing factors sequestered in stalled complexes, thereby limiting new rounds of splicing. We demonstrate that this ‘feed-back’ effect can be minimized by depleting the target protein more gradually or only partially, allowing a better separation between primary and secondary effects. Our findings indicate that splicing surveillance mechanisms may not always cope with spliceosome assembly defects, and suggest that work involving knock-down of splicing factors or components of other large complexes should be carefully monitored to avoid potentially misleading conclusions.

Revisiting the window of opportunity for co-transcriptional splicing efficiency and fidelity

RNA 2020 26:1081-1085. PMC7430680.  doi:

Vahid Aslanzadeh and Jean D Beggs

We reported previously that, in budding yeast, transcription rate affects both the efficiency and fidelity of pre-mRNA splicing, especially of ribosomal protein transcripts. Here, we report that the majority of ribosomal protein transcripts with non-consensus 5' splice sites are spliced less efficiently when transcription is faster, and more efficiently with slower transcription. These results support the "window of opportunity" model, and we suggest a possible mechanism to explain these findings.

Spt5 modulates co-transcriptional spliceosome assembly in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

RNA 2019, 25:1298-1310. PMC6800482 doi:

Isabella E Maudlin and Jean D  Beggs

There is increasing evidence from yeast to humans that pre-mRNA splicing occurs mainly co-transcriptionally, such that splicing and transcription are functionally coupled. Currently, there is little insight into the contribution of the core transcription elongation machinery to co-transcriptional spliceosome assembly and pre-mRNA splicing. Spt5 is a member of the core transcription elongation machinery and an essential protein, whose absence in budding yeast causes defects in pre-mRNA splicing. To determine how Spt5 affects pre-mRNA splicing, we used the auxin-inducible degron system to conditionally deplete Spt5 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and assayed effects on co-transcriptional spliceosome assembly and splicing. We show that Spt5 is needed for efficient splicing and for the accumulation of U5 snRNPs at intron-containing genes, and therefore for stable co-transcriptional assembly of spliceosomes. The defect in co-transcriptional spliceosome assembly can explain the relatively mild splicing defect as being a consequence of the failure of co-transcriptional splicing. Co-immunoprecipitation of Spt5 with core spliceosomal proteins and all spliceosomal snRNAs suggests a model whereby Spt5 promotes co-transcriptional pre-mRNA splicing by stabilising the association of U5 snRNP with spliceosome complexes as they assemble on the nascent transcript. If this phenomenon is conserved in higher eukaryotes, it has potential to be important for co-transcriptional regulation of alternative splicing.

Extremely Rapid and Specific Metabolic Labelling of RNA In Vivo with 4-Thiouracil (Ers4tU).

J. Vis. Exp., 2019 (150). doi:

Barrass, J. D. and Beggs, J. D.

The nucleotide analogue, 4-thiouracil (4tU), is readily taken up by cells and incorporated into RNA as it is transcribed in vivo, allowing isolation of the RNA produced during a brief period of labelling. This is done by attaching a biotin moiety to the incorporated thio group and affinity purifying, using streptavidin coated beads. Achieving a good yield of pure, newly synthesized RNA that is free of pre-existing RNA makes shorter labelling times possible and permits increased temporal resolution in kinetic studies. This is a protocol for very specific, high yield purification of newly synthesized RNA. The protocol presented here describes how RNA is extracted from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, the protocol for purification of thiolated RNA from total RNA should be effective using RNA from any organism once it has been extracted from the cells. The purified RNA is suitable for analysis by many widely used techniques, such as reverse transcriptase-qPCR, RNA-seq and SLAM-seq. The specificity, sensitivity and flexibility of this technique allow unparalleled insights into RNA metabolism.

Tuning Degradation to Achieve Specific and Efficient Protein Depletion. 

J. Vis. Exp., 2019 (149), e59874, doi:

Barrass, J. D., Mendoza-Ochoa, G. I., Maudlin, I. E., Sani, E., Beggs, J. D.

The plant auxin binding receptor, TIR1, recognizes proteins containing a specific auxin-inducible degron (AID) motif in the presence of auxin, targeting them for degradation. This system is exploited in many non-plant eukaryotes, such that a target protein, tagged with the AID motif, is degraded upon auxin addition. The level of TIR1 expression is critical; excessive expression leads to degradation of the AID-tagged protein even in the absence of auxin, whereas low expression leads to slow depletion. A β-estradiol-inducible AID system was created, with expression of TIR1 under the control of a β-estradiol inducible promoter. The level of TIR1 is tunable by changing the time of incubation with β-estradiol before auxin addition. This protocol describes how to rapidly deplete a target protein using the AID system. The appropriate β-estradiol incubation time depends on the abundance of the target protein. Therefore, efficient depletion depends on optimal timing that also minimizes auxin-independent depletion.

Mutagenesis of Snu114 domain IV identifies a developmental role in meiotic splicing.

RNA Biology 2019, online:

Amit Gautam and Jean D Beggs

Snu114, a component of the U5 snRNP, plays a key role in activation of the spliceosome. It controls the action of Brr2, an RNA-stimulated ATPase/RNA helicase that disrupts U4/U6 snRNA base-pairing prior to formation of the spliceosome’s catalytic centre. Snu114 has a highly conserved domain structure that resembles that of the GTPase EF-2/EF-G in the ribosome. It has been suggested that the regulatory function of Snu114 in activation of the spliceosome is mediated by its C-terminal region, however, there has been only limited characterisation of the interactions of the C-terminal domains. We show a direct interaction between protein phosphatase PP1 and Snu114 domain ‘IVa’ and identify sequence ‘YGVQYK’ as a PP1 binding motif. Interestingly, this motif is also required for Cwc21 binding. We provide evidence for mutually exclusive interaction of Cwc21 and PP1 with Snu114 and show that the affinity of Cwc21 and PP1 for Snu114 is influenced by the different nucleotide-bound states of Snu114. Moreover, we identify a novel mutation in domain IVa that, while not affecting vegetative growth of yeast cells, causes a defect in splicing transcripts of the meiotic genes, SPO22, AMA1 and MER2, thereby inhibiting an early stage of meiosis.

A fast and tuneable auxin-inducible degron for depletion of target proteins in budding yeast.

Yeast 2019 Jan;36(1):75-81.  doi:

Gonzalo I. Mendoza-Ochoa, J. David Barrass, Barbara R. Terlouw, Isabella E. Maudlin, Susana de Lucas, Emanuela Sani, Vahid Aslanzadeh, Jane A. E. Reid and Jean D. Beggs

The auxin-inducible degron (AID) is a useful technique to rapidly deplete proteins of interest in non-plant eukaryotes. Depletion is achieved by addition of the plant hormone auxin to the cell culture, which allows the auxin-binding receptor, TIR1, to target the AID-tagged protein for degradation by the proteasome. Fast depletion of the target protein requires good expression of TIR1 protein but, as we show here, high levels of TIR1 may cause uncontrolled depletion of the target protein in the absence of auxin. To enable conditional expression of TIR1 to a high level when required we regulated the expression of TIR1 using the ß-estradiol expression system. This is a fast-acting gene induction system that does not cause secondary effects on yeast cell metabolism. We demonstrate that combining the AID and ß-estradiol systems results in a tightly-controlled and fast auxin-induced depletion of nuclear target proteins. Moreover, we show that depletion rate can be tuned by modulating the duration of ß-estradiol pre-incubation. We conclude that TIR1 protein is a rate-limiting factor for target protein depletion in yeast and we provide new tools that allow tightly controlled, tuneable and efficient depletion of essential proteins while minimising secondary effects.

Transcription Rate Strongly Affects Splicing Fidelity and Co-transcriptionality in Budding Yeast

Genome Research 2017 published online December 18 2017 doi:

Vahid Aslanzadeh, Yuanhua Huang, Guido Sanguinetti and Jean D. Beggs

The functional consequences for alternative splicing of altering the transcription rate have been the subject of intensive study in mammalian cells but less is known about effects on splicing of changing the transcription rate in yeast. We present several lines of evidence showing that slow RNA polymerase II elongation increases both co-transcriptional splicing and splicing efficiency and faster elongation reduces co-transcriptional splicing and splicing efficiency in budding yeast, suggesting that splicing is more efficient when co-transcriptional. Moreover, we demonstrate that altering RNA polymerase II elongation rate in either direction compromises splicing fidelity, and we reveal that splicing fidelity depends largely on intron length together with secondary structure and splice site score. These effects are notably stronger for the highly expressed ribosomal protein coding transcripts. We propose that transcription by RNA polymerase II is tuned to optimise the efficiency and accuracy of ribosomal protein gene expression, while allowing flexibility in splice site choice with the non-ribosomal protein transcripts.

Extremely fast and incredibly close: co-transcriptional splicing in budding yeast.

RNA 2017  23: published online doi:

Wallace, E. and Beggs, J.D.

RNA splicing, an essential part of eukaryotic pre-messenger RNA processing, can be simultaneous with transcription by RNA polymerase II. Here, we compare and review independent next-generation sequencing methods that jointly quantify transcription and splicing in budding yeast. For many yeast transcripts, splicing is fast, taking place within seconds of intron transcription, while polymerase is within a few dozens of nucleotides of the 3’ splice site. Ribosomal protein transcripts are spliced particularly fast and co-transcriptionally. However, some transcripts are spliced inefficiently or mainly post-transcriptionally. Intron-mediated regulation of some genes is likely to be co-transcriptional. We suggest that intermediates of the splicing reaction, missing from current datasets, may hold key information about splicing kinetics.